viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

3rd session of Carnival through English

Today we have created costumes of "owls" and "witches and wizards" with some students of 1st and 2nd grade. I have started presenting these new words, although there were some students that knew the words witch and wizard. As well as I did during other sessions, in this case I have presented the compliments step by step, depending on the rhythm that the pupils had. I have realised that some of them were faster than others, but they have helped each other and they have been patient. There have also been some aspects that were not ready, because there was not enough material to do the witches' hats. Anyway, we have improvised by making the pupils brush the stars and the moons in order to keep them working on the costume. I have realised about the importance of getting everything ready before the session. For that reason, me and the English specialist have created a list after finishing the lesson. We have written down what we need to finish of each costume. This list will help us in order to manage the sessions of the next week.
However, I have also been conscious of the importance of improvising with the pupils when something is not as the teacher had supposed. 

Here there are the materials that I have used during this session:


To end this post, I will recommend and online article about teaching and the improvisation during the teaching process. Click here to read it:
Improvising is good teaching

In the article, the aim of the author is to help readers to understand the complex nature of teaching. I have chosen a pharagraph of it:

"And so, continuing in that manner, I end up making multiple decisions every minute about what to say or not say, what questions to ask what questions to answer, what tangents to follow and what digressions to refocus, which student to help right now and which student to follow-up with later.  I’d say that for some lessons, estimates of a hundred-something decisions per hour could be on the conservative side, as there are many observations we make in every moment."
David B. Cohen

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