miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

5 Senses Unit: My 2nd Intervention

Lesson 2: What's that sound? - The hearing sense

Material for the teacher:                                          Material for the student:


Description of the lesson and observations:
The first part of the activity was as I have planned previously. Firstly, I showed the picture on the digital board, and I started to explain them some logical aspects to understand the name of the parts of the ear: outer (I asked: "What's out?"), inner (I asked: "What's in?"), middle ear (I asked: "What's middle?"), ear canal ("How is a canal? Long or short?"). This kind of questions helped me to connect with them and to make the first part of the lesson more dynamic, interacting with them and listening to what they knew; what's more, I tried them to speak in English while they were answering my questions. Then, I switched off the white board and, helped by their table partners (groups of five) they complete the picture of the worksheet. When I corrected it, all of them had done it properly.
The second part of the activity was focused on using this hearing sense. First of all, I presented the "Sound Level Meter" (this was not contemplated on my previous planning, but I felt the necessity of doing it because I wanted to make them know what was it and how to use it). I asked if they knew these three words "Sound Level Meter". They started to talk about it and, by their own, they guessed the use of this gadget. So that, I explained the activity: They had to write the Decibels in the tables, as well as writing what they heard (voices, music, silence, computers...). They felt really exited. However, there were only two sound level meters at school, and there were five groups. The two first groups went to measure the Decibels of two parts of the school, and while they were out, I stayed with the rest of the group. I drew a table at the blackboard to include the Decibels of each group. When the two groups came back, I wrote down their notes on the blackboard. When all the groups had finished, we commented some of the results of the blackboard, and they also had time to complete their own tables with the notes of the rest of the groups. 
When the lesson finished, I felt really happy. I had the sensation that it had been a very meaningful lesson.

Some pictures:

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