Students in schools are completely different because everyone is unique and special. The school serves and provides the assistance and the resources required in order to support those students who need more individual attention. In La Sínia, there is a department for this diversity coordinated by two teachers who deal with diversity. These two teachers are not the only responsibles to decide which students need more personalized attention, but also the rest of the staff.
As a general comment, I have observed that in the center there is a lot of diversity. There are students with a specific disorder, but also there are other students without a clinical diagnosis but who also have difficulties and therefore, they are also considered to require more personalized attention, as well as the others.
It is important to distinguish between a clinical diagnosis that is made based on medical evidence and lead to a diagnosis, and on the other hand, the functional diagnosis. This one often enables to mediate and provide special attention depending on the skills acquired and and also on the difficulties that the student presents, even if he or she does not have an official diagnosis or report.
And I have considered really important to dedicate one of my entries to the special education needs that exist in la Sínia, because I think it is a hard work to attend to this diversity but, as far as I can see, the school staff gets involved day by day to achieve the students' success and improvement. And it is a fantastic work.
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